2019年3月7日 星期四

Pinwen Lien's ”Hairytale“

「非髮入鏡」自拍攝影集,是一個我將自我審美觀解構然後重組的計畫。在這個計畫中我拍下自己沒有除毛的身體,包括腋毛,手毛與腳毛。將這些在社交禮儀中視為不雅甚至醜陋的毛髮包含到我的寫真集中,將之化為我個人影像的美感中的一部分,來探索體毛與女人的美感標準以及來自社會期待之審美標準之間的關係。透過紀錄有體毛的自己來檢視到底『有毛』這件事如何影響我對自己的外表的喜愛程度? 到底我管理我的毛髮的方式與符合社會期待以及取悅於男性,三者之間有何關聯?這個計畫的目的是,找回對自己身體的獨特審美觀,用全新的眼光來欣賞自己的軀體。我相信只有當我全然地接受,並找到自己身體的美的時候,我才能充滿自信。也期望透過我的作品,能夠帶給與我一樣多毛的女性更多自信與快樂。


Hairytale is a self-portrait project in which I photograph myself without removing body hair, including underarm hair, arm hair and leg hair. The goal is to include socially unwanted objects into the aesthetic of my portraits to challenge the sociocultural norm of a hairless body as one of the elements of the ideal femininity. I believe that body hair is not ugly; it is part of the beauty of my body. I believe only when I am comfortable with my natural body image, I can acquire a whole confidence. Through my photos I hope to add diversity to femininity imagery as well as bringing confidence and joy to those women who have thick body hair as I do. 

Mary Goodrich's "Finding Refuge"

影家瑪莉.古德里奇經常以風景、身體、植物為拍攝的主題。在「發現避難所」系列作品中,她擅長將多重影像融合在一起,以模擬時間和空間的雙重印象,特別是處理身體和自然元素中可見的押韻關係。透過形狀、線條、光影的種種排列,映射出自己的思想、情感和人生體悟。以 "I am Power" 為例,攝影師形容模特兒是一位樸實的女人,她們共同發想以火山灰泥塗抹身體,藉由女性笑聲的傳達,散發出絕對的歡愉與解放的宣示姿態。

I am Power (detail)


I have always been interested in creating images that contained more than what I could see with my eyes. In the mind’s eye, several images blend together to simulate dual impressions of time or place. My moment of perfect capture is sort of like looking into a mirror, in that I recognize something that is already a part of my thoughts. It is sensation that is both emotion and familiarity.
The landscape, the body, and botanicals are the subjects I photograph most often. I discover visible rhymes and relationships in the body and natural elements. This arrangement of forms, lines, light and darkness, tells me when the image has completed itself. I multiple-expose both in camera and in post-processing to achieve the effect.